
Announced: History Communication Twitter Chat No. 2

2637715-1Jason Steinhauer released details about the second History Communication or #histcomm twitter chat.
When: Friday, July 24, at 1pm EST Duration: 30 - 40 minutes Hashtag to Follow: #HistComm

Questions for Chat

1. How has history communication evolved to meet the needs of today’s digital audience?

2. On which networks (Facebook, Twitter) are you most likely to seek out history info? Least likely?

3. Which history accounts do you follow that deliver excellent social content?

4. What historical subjects do the history accounts you follow cover? Which do they omit?

5. Which non-historical accounts are doing great work on social media? How can historians learn from them?

6. What is a history project you’re working on/excited about?


I'm on Vacation

It's vacation time! Given that I planned last year's hectic "French and Indian War Tour," Tim decided that this year's vacation required a bit less history and a lot less to do, so we have gone to Bermuda.

Our trip to Bermuda will be an "internet-free" vacation. We agreed that we will not post to social media, check our e-mail, or turn on our smartphones, except for taking pictures.

Aside from a planned snorkeling trip, we have made no plans.


Well, that's not entirely true. I plan to read.

I have been stashing all of my magazines and several books I want to read into small duffle bag The New Yorker sent me. I am sure I won't finish them all, but I would like to break my record of 7 books read, which I accomplished when we went to the Dominican Republic.

I hope to return to blogging sometime the week of July 6, 2015.


American History Twitter Chat Survey

Uncle-Sam-EagleDo you love to talk about history? Would you love the opportunity to mingle with potential readers of your books and articles?

Let's start a Twitter Chat about American History!

The chat will be a place where people who love American history can talk about it and a space where non-historians and historians can interact with each other. The goal of the chat is to create a bridge between the world of professional historians and the history-loving public.

Interacting with people who love history can help you find out what historical topics interest them, what questions readers have, as well as help you gain some notice and build your platform.

If you are interested in participating in a Twitter Chat about American History, please take this brief survey. It won't take you more than 2-3 minutes.